Transition: Changing Scenes

Actor that moves around the scene in a pattern: mushroom walking back and forth

Actor that moves in response to the player: the key that you collect

Dialogue and a menu that sets a variable based on the player's choice: When you come in contact with the locked door, it asks you if you want to proceed to the next scene, or stay at the current scene, and moves you on if you choose to move on.

Something that changes based on a variable: The door changes appearances (unlocks) based on if the player comes into contact with the key, or without a key, which is kept track of by a variable.

Actor that fires  a projectile when something hits: The player collects the fire power to shoot a fireball at a mushroom, and if it hits the mushroom, the mushroom dies.

An event that happens in response to a trigger: You die and restart if you fall into one of the holes in scenes 2 and 3. When you pick up the fire, the player's character changes color slightly to indicate you can shoot fireballs.

An event that happens based on a collision: If you collide with the mushroom, you die and restart.

Use z to jump and x to shoot the fireball. Use the up and down arrows to climb the ladder immediately to the right of the giant cliff in scene 2.

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